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Found 35 items.
Diritto alla salute, equità e governance delle malattie neglette e della povertà / Right to health, equity and governance of neglected diseases and poverty
Published: October 6, 2016808PDF (Italiano): 22 -
La fine del concetto di "pre-embrione" nella Convenzione di Oviedo / The end of the concept of "pre-embryo" in the Oviedo Convention
Published: January 25, 2018833PDF (Italiano): 11 -
Il doping biotecnologico: una proposta di lettura tra medicina, bioetica e diritto
Published: June 30, 2009785PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Testamento biologico e obiezione di coscienza
Published: June 30, 2007836PDF (Italiano): 18 -
Il diritto alla salute e l'autodeterminazione del paziente tra guarigione effettiva e pericoloso sviluppo della tecnologia
Published: June 30, 20151054PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Lo status del concepito nell'ordinamento giuridico polacco
Published: October 30, 2008400PDF (Italiano): 5 -
Creare e coordinare una rete regionale di comitati etici per la pratica clinica. Risultati e lezioni apprese da uno studio qualitativo svolto in Veneto / Establishing and coordinating a regional network of healthcare ethics committees. Findings and lessons learnt from a qualitative research in the Veneto Region (Italy)
Published: April 10, 2019620PDF (Italiano): 18 -
Introduction to the conceptual cathegories of Biolaw / Introducción a las categorías conceptuales del bioderecho en la discrecionalidad jurídica
Published: July 30, 2018542PDF (Italiano): 1 -
La Storia della Medicina e la sua dimensione etico-antropologica
Published: December 30, 20101139PDF (Italiano): 12 -
Il discernimento sulla procreazione medicalmente assistita: i concetti chiave del Magistero della Chiesa Cattolica
Published: October 30, 2013658PDF (Italiano): 7 -
The right to life, constitutional principles and an interpretation by values
Published: August 31, 1997155PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Caring for persons in the persistent vegetative state and Pope John Paul II's March 20, 2004 address on life-sustaining treatments and the vegetative state
Published: June 30, 2005491PDF (Italiano): 6 -
The doctor in front of 'Redemptor Hominis'
Published: October 19, 202437PDF: 2 -
L'utilizzo del placebo secondo l'ultima versione della Dichiarazione di Helsinki. Dibattito fra due posizioni etiche
Published: February 28, 20151239PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Considerations regarding the interpretation of art. 9 of Law 194/78 on the conscientious objection to voluntary abortion.
Published: August 31, 1998376PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Euthanasia in utilitarian bioethics. A critique of J Rachel's and H Kuhse's books.
Published: April 30, 1993283PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Mental illness in some Sub Saharan African communities: the perspective of Bioethics and transcultural nursing
Published: December 29, 20201093PDF: 9 -
The contribution of the Magisterium on the subject of human artificial insemination
Published: September 26, 202410PDF: 0 -
Human cloning: considerations regarding international documents
Published: June 30, 1998182PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Euthanasia in Holland: legislative answer to unjust practice
Published: December 31, 1994137PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Criteria for indication of initiation or discontinuation of life-sustaining therapy
Published: October 18, 198810PDF: 0 -
Breain birth vs. brain death theory: an impossible symmetry
Published: April 30, 1999327PDF (Italiano): 0 -
From the gift to the gospel of life: for a theological interpretation of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae.
Published:126PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Clinical ethics committees and clinical ethics services. A proposal for Italy
Published: October 27, 20231414PDF (Italiano): 14 -
From autonomy to responsibility: the desire of motherhood and the possibility of FIVET
Published: October 31, 2000171PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Anthropological lines of Evangelium Vitae
Published:102PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Children and disability in the age of sharenting. The "right to an open future" as a principle for an ethical evaluation
Published: July 21, 2023672PDF (Italiano): 13 -
Criminal Law facing with illness.
Published: October 31, 2001147PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Chiavi di lettura per la Bioetica dell'Ambiente
Published: December 30, 2010571PDF (Italiano): 2 -
The foundations of embryo's human rights: ethical and juridical considerations
Published:125PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Epistemic injustice through medicine and society. Notes in times of pandemic
Published: April 14, 20221310PDF (Italiano): 16 -
The sustainable development: ethical considerations.
Published: October 31, 2003150PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Clinical ethics between theory and praxis
Published: December 20, 202414PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Meta-analysis of scientific data on GIFT: a contribution to ethical judgements
Published: February 28, 1990122PDF (Italiano): 1 -
The concept of person between bioethics and biolaw.
Published: April 30, 2004444PDF (Italiano): 0
1 - 35 of 35 items