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Found 123 items.
La procreazione artificiale all'attenzione della Corte interamericana dei diritti dell'uomo. Il "Caso Gretel Artabia Urilla et Al. vs. Costa Rica"
Published: June 30, 2012581PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Biopolitica e persona
Published: April 30, 2009887PDF (Italiano): 17 -
Le cellule staminali: dall'applicazione clinica al parere etico. Parte III. Riflessioni etiche
Published: December 30, 20061565PDF (Italiano): 4 -
The nature and status of human embryo
Published: August 31, 1997145PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Biopolitica: significato filosofico del termine
Published: April 30, 20091063PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Dementia, human dignity and help to die: a theological perspective
Published: February 28, 2010573PDF (Italiano): 5 -
La Creazione e la legge naturale a fondamento della morale della vita in Giovanni Paolo II
Published: October 30, 20071113PDF (Italiano): 7 -
The concept of person and her axiological relevance: the principles of personalist bioethics.
Published: April 30, 2004389PDF (Italiano): 11 -
Il dolore e la sofferenza umana alla luce della ragione e della fede cristiana
Published: October 30, 20122034PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Dignità umana e bioetica Sui rischi correlati all'asserito "diritto" di morire
Published: June 30, 2009724PDF (Italiano): 9 -
Creati per amare: la sessualità umana secondo Giovanni Paolo II
Published: October 30, 20072366PDF (Italiano): 8 -
Dignity of the person in the light of international biomedical law
Published: February 28, 2005590PDF (Italiano): 8 -
La persona al centro
Published: October 30, 2014609PDF (Italiano): 3 -
The human person as centre of every health care system.
Published: February 28, 2002187PDF (Italiano): 1 -
The concept of person between bioethics and biolaw.
Published: April 30, 2004444PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Argumentar con la dignidad humana en las prácticas deliberativas de los comitès de ètica
Published: April 30, 2007550PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Biopolitica: fondamenti filosofico-giuridici
Published: April 30, 2009518PDF (Italiano): 8 -
Il malato e il nemico Questioni etiche e antropologiche dell'uso sociale della medicina
Published: April 4, 2016520PDF (Italiano): 2 -
La sperimentazione in soggetti in coma: problematiche etiche e giuridiche
Published: April 30, 2005385PDF (Italiano): 3 -
L'amore e la sessualità: valore e significato
Published: August 30, 2013990PDF (Italiano): 5 -
A reexamination of conscience protections in healthcare
Published: December 30, 2013795PDF (Italiano): 3 -
L'indisponibilità della vita umana nella prospettiva del Biodiritto
Published: April 30, 20101012PDF (Italiano): 13 -
The human rights, bioethics and the human embryo.
Published: February 28, 2003379PDF (Italiano): 1 -
La ricerca del significato come cardine della cura: riflessioni ed esperienze nell'ambito delle Cure Palliative
Published: February 28, 2013926PDF (Italiano): 10 -
Valori comuni e politica sanitaria per un'Europa unita
Published: August 30, 2005386PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Brief considerations regarding the euthanasia from the points of view of ethics and the criminal law.
Published:128PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The unspeakable of the human condition. Against Peter Singer's thesis
Published: April 20, 2020827PDF (Italiano): 17 -
Ripensare etica ed estetica a partire dalle neuroscienze: la proposta di Jean-Pierre Changeux
Published: December 30, 2012703PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Transumanesimo e postumano: principi teorici e implicazioni bioetiche
Published: April 30, 20092383PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Aspectos científicos y èticos de la epidemia del Virus de Inmuno Deficiencia Humana (VIH) y el Síndrome de Inmuno-Deficiencia Adquirida (SIDA) Hacia una propuesta autènticamente humana
Published: June 30, 2004159PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Analisi comparativa delle legislazioni nazionali, comunitarie ed internazionali in materia di utilizzo di cellule staminali
Published: October 30, 2009550PDF (Italiano): 4 -
The ethical problems of euthanasia in the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae
Published:203PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Bioethics in search of principles: the person
Published: December 31, 1992116PDF: 0 -
Ten years after the Warnock Report: is the human neo-conceptus a person?
Published: June 30, 1994118PDF: 0 -
Bioethics and theology: which link?
Published: April 30, 2004181PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Storie di medici e malati nell'arte e nella letteratura: un approccio narrativo alla Storia della Medicina nelle Facoltà mediche / Stories of doctors and patients in art and literature: a narrative approach to the History of Medicine in the Medical Faculty
Published: March 15, 20171311PDF (Italiano): 25 -
L'insegnamento di Giovanni Paolo II sulla vita umana La prospettiva cristocentrica
Published: October 30, 2007588PDF (Italiano): 14 -
Per una convivenza tra i popoli: pluralismo e tolleranza
Published: June 30, 2006589PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Dignity and human life: two fundamental concepts of medical ethics
Published: April 30, 1995124PDF (Italiano): 0 -
When faith is facing with the law within the human biotechnologies.
Published: June 30, 2002481PDF (Italiano): 4 -
"Nuove" biotecnologie e questioni bioetiche emergenti
Published: December 30, 2010616PDF (Italiano): 3 -
The spiritual deconstruction of the Self. Merleau-Ponty's ambigous ontology of flesh
Published: November 3, 2022906PDF (Italiano): 10 -
Human cloning: considerations regarding international documents
Published: June 30, 1998182PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Personalism in the cultural area of the Africa.
Published: April 30, 2004235PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Personhood and care in disorders of consciousness. An ontological, patient-centred perspective
Published: November 3, 20201236PDF: 9 -
Il liberalismo degli indifferenti. La biopolitica nell'epoca degli stranieri morali
Published: February 28, 2014578PDF (Italiano): 15 -
Donum Vitae ten years later
Published: October 31, 1998212PDF (Italiano): 0 -
L'identità sessuale della persona a cinquant'anni dall'Humanae Vitae / The sexual identity of the person 50 years after Humanae Vitae
Published: December 11, 2018637PDF (Italiano): 19 -
Sexuality and the person: ethical values
Published: February 28, 1990127PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Il dialogo in Bioetica: per una medicina fondata sulla persona umana
Published: June 30, 2010746PDF (Italiano): 5 -
Respect for autonomy and vulnerability
Published: April 20, 2020611PDF (Español (España)): 11 -
Anthropological lines of Evangelium Vitae
Published:102PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The sustainable development: ethical considerations.
Published: October 31, 2003150PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Human papillomavirus vaccines: ethical issues
Published: April 30, 2007614PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Por una bioètica sin adjetivos. La bioètica en el contexto de la crisis moderno-ilustrada
Published: December 30, 2006381PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Etica delle virtù e cultura medica contemporanea Prospettive etico-antropologiche della medicina clinica
Published: October 30, 2015894PDF (Italiano): 5 -
Bios e potere
Published: April 30, 2009567PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Theological and ethical perspectives within the theme of human embodiment
Published: October 31, 199099PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Personalism and personalisms. History and meanings.
Published: April 30, 2004192PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Human sexuality: truth and significance. A guide for parents
Published: April 30, 1996326PDF (Italiano): 3 -
From autonomy to responsibility: the desire of motherhood and the possibility of FIVET
Published: October 31, 2000171PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Experimentation on the human embryo: a new requirement of science and medicine?
Published: February 28, 1993150PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Post human e gene editing: Reflections on perfection and sense of limit
Published: December 20, 2019477PDF (Italiano): 14 -
The foundations of embryo's human rights: ethical and juridical considerations (II)
Published: December 31, 1995130PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Respect for the person as a basis for the ethics of the physician-patient relationship
Published: April 12, 20211798PDF: 15 -
Etica e Sanità Pubblica: massimizzare la relazione
Published: August 30, 2015760PDF (Italiano): 4 -
La morte e la tentazione dell'eutanasia nella riflessione di Marie De Hennezel: considerazioni etiche e risvolti pratici
Published: October 30, 2005633PDF (Italiano): 11 -
Encyclical "Veritatis Splendor": perspectives for Medicai Ethics
Published: June 30, 199499PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Andrological problems in patients with spinal cord injuries.
Published:125PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Ruolo ed attività di un Comitato di Bioetica in un Centro di cure palliative: l'esperienza di Antea
Published: February 28, 2013645PDF (Italiano): 5 -
L'utilizzo del placebo secondo l'ultima versione della Dichiarazione di Helsinki. Dibattito fra due posizioni etiche
Published: February 28, 20151239PDF (Italiano): 6 -
The unity and dignity of the person in Christian sexual anthropology
Published: June 10, 198930PDF (Italiano): 3 -
La fondazione filosofico-teologica dell'etica dell'ambiente
Published: February 28, 2005449PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Economia ed etica nel pensiero di Giovanni Paolo II
Published: October 30, 2007627PDF (Italiano): 4 -
L'importanza del corpo nelle cure infermieristiche: un contributo dalla letteratura
Published: February 28, 20121238PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Per un rapporto di buon vicinato tra economia sanitaria e bioetica
Published: August 30, 2006590PDF (Italiano): 9 -
Una legge incompiuta: gli attuali disagi nelle famiglie
Published: December 30, 2008599PDF (Italiano): 1 -
The faculty of medicine in the physician's overall education
Published: February 28, 1996140PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Nutrizione ed Idratazione Artificiale (NIA) nei documenti di alcune società scientifiche: una riflessione bioetica
Published: June 30, 2011821PDF (Italiano): 11 -
Il diritto alla salute e l'autodeterminazione del paziente tra guarigione effettiva e pericoloso sviluppo della tecnologia
Published: June 30, 20151054PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Aspetti etici dell'assistenza intensiva e "provvedimenti di fine vita" in epoca neonatale al limite della vitalità
Published: April 30, 2008781PDF (Italiano): 6 -
The human experimentation of new drugs: research on the consent of the subject
Published: December 31, 1991127PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The ethical problem of transsexualism
Published: September 26, 202419PDF: 1 -
Anticipated directives: the document of Italian Committee for Bioethics and the inspiration to the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine.
Published: December 31, 2004285PDF: 0 -
Human nature and the human person: the dignity of procreation The fascination of technology and the human question
Published: July 20, 198722PDF: 1 -
Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics: expectations and ethical issues.
Published: October 31, 2002423PDF (Italiano): 4 -
New French Human Experimentation Act
Published:131PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Legal and deontological reflections in the 'Instruction on respect for nascent human life and the dignity of procreation'.
Published: October 13, 198726PDF: 1 -
Making omosexuality an ideology in today's theological discussion
Published: June 30, 1996224PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The treatment of lung cancer: scientific facts facing with therapeutic choices.
Published: August 31, 2001174PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Quality of life in paediatric palliative care: caring relationship or relationship that takes care
Published: October 27, 2023695PDF (Italiano): 13 -
The main important thing in health care professions: a clinician's reflections.
Published: February 28, 2001154PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Islamic ethics and organ transplants
Published: December 31, 1995142PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Theological considerations on genetic engineering
Published: December 31, 1992111PDF: 0 -
Italy and "Amsterdam Declaration" on patients' rights.
Published: February 28, 1998337PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Ethics and semantics
Published: October 31, 199065PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Ethics of peace and bioethics.
Published: August 31, 2002173PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Catholics faced with pro-euthanasia and pro-abortion strategies
Published: February 28, 1996138PDF (Italiano): 0 -
From the gift to the gospel of life: for a theological interpretation of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae.
Published:126PDF (Italiano): 0