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Found 45 items.
Personal attitudes and denialist views about the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: a national survey
Published: July 7, 2022480PDF: 16 -
Etica e Sanità Pubblica: massimizzare la relazione
Published: August 30, 2015760PDF (Italiano): 4 -
L'Health Technology Assessment (HTA) e i suoi aspetti etici
Published: February 28, 20071534PDF (Italiano): 13 -
Health care of immigrant patients in Italy: the perspective of health professionals
Published: July 26, 20212954PDF: 6 -
Etica e Health Technology Assessment (HTA): sulle difficoltà della loro integrazione
Published: April 30, 2015711PDF (Italiano): 19 -
La regulación jurídica de la investigación sobre cèlulas troncales
Published: April 30, 2010388PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Le biobanche di ricerca Problematiche etico-sociali tra diritti dell'individuo e prospettiva comunitaria
Published: June 30, 2013553PDF (Italiano): 6 -
La percezione degli operatori sanitari sulle cure palliative come mezzo per promuovere la qualità di vita dei pazienti e prevenire le richieste eutanasich / Healthcare workers' perception of palliative care as a means to foster patients' quality of life and to prevent euthanasia requests*
Published: April 10, 2019972PDF (Italiano): 28 -
Gli approcci alle valutazioni etiche nei processi di Health Technology Assessment
Published: April 30, 2008558PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Survey conducted among Medical and Social Sciences students on body donation for research and teaching purposes
Published: December 21, 20212117PDF (Italiano): 11 -
Empirical bioethics in a research hospital: among ethics consultation and health research
Published: December 20, 202431PDF (Italiano): 0 -
L'insegnamento di "Bioetica e Diritti umani" nei corsi di laurea delle professioni sanitarie
Published: December 30, 2011466PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Mediterranean Bioethics in the bioethically lessknown Mediterranean: a struggle for identity
Published: July 22, 2024168PDF: 4 -
Ruolo ed attività di un Comitato di Bioetica in un Centro di cure palliative: l'esperienza di Antea
Published: February 28, 2013645PDF (Italiano): 5 -
Il capitale in-umano. La bioetica di fronte al "lavoro clinico" / The in-human capital. Bioethics in front of "clinical work"
Published: September 21, 20161138PDF (Italiano): 24 -
Il dibattito legale ed etico sul divieto di commercio della maternità surrogata in India / The legal and moral debate leading to the ban of commercial surrogacy in India
Published: October 11, 2017975PDF (Italiano): 11 -
The right to exit the footnote: a story of rediscovery and revival of Fritz Jahr's bioethics (with special regard to Italy)
Published: April 12, 20212235PDF: 14 -
Valutazione etica in un processo di HTA di un trattamento per l'infertilità
Published: December 30, 2012564PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Dichiarazioni anticipate di trattamento e assistenza infermieristica. Orientamenti decisionali degli infermieri in una indagine empirica
Published: December 30, 20141076PDF (Italiano): 8 -
Oltre il visibile Le nanotecnologie e la nanomedicina: definizioni e problematiche bioetiche
Published: June 30, 2008636PDF (Italiano): 1 -
La declinazione del fenomeno doping secondo i Codici deontologici dell'Unione Europea: analisi comparativa
Published: August 30, 2013672PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Some ethical considerations concerning the "quality of life as a guidance in assigning health resources
Published: August 31, 1996172PDF (Español (España)): 0 -
Drafting "rules on biotechnological innovations Proposals of the European Community for an ordered development fo biotechnologies
Published: August 31, 2000234PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Nuovi scenari di cura nella medicina tecnologica: cronicità della malattia e la sua evoluzione
Published: August 30, 2011459PDF (Italiano): 0 -
L'approccio positivista alla filosofia della medicina: una review
Published: April 30, 20061780PDF (Italiano): 7 -
La conciencia del mèdico y el respeto a la vida humana Juan Pablo II y el Juramento de Hipócrates
Published: October 30, 2007610PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Osservazioni etiche e implicazioni medico-legali in materia di "test genetici"
Published: August 30, 2005458PDF (Italiano): 3 -
RU486: aspetti farmacologici e tossicologici
Published: April 30, 2008513PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Dichiarazioni Anticipate di Trattamento (DAT): revisione della letteratura
Published: June 30, 20091102PDF (Italiano): 17 -
Teaching bioethics: models and contents.
Published: February 28, 1998273PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Ethical consultation in the healthcare field
Published: October 27, 20231119PDF (Italiano): 12 -
Ten years after the Warnock Report: is the human neo-conceptus a person?
Published: June 30, 1994118PDF: 0 -
Informed consent in cardiology
Published: October 31, 199478PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The Association of Down Children
Published: October 15, 202428PDF: 1 -
Limits and challenges of the ICH GCP requirements
Published: August 31, 1998180PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Survey on hospital chaplains
Published: December 31, 1991172PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Ethical observations about the production and marketing of genetically modified vegetal and animal organisms
Published: June 30, 2000137PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The ethical aspect in nursing education : a problem of lifestyle, of specific contents, and of cultural integration
Published: October 31, 1997151PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Ethical dilemmas of healthcare professionals and Covid-19
Published: December 21, 20212212PDF (Italiano): 29 -
The natural methods for the regulation of fertility and culture of life: teaching experience evaluation
Published: August 31, 1996168PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Official medicine and unconventional therapies: from conflict to integration?
Published: October 31, 2001153PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Cosmetic plastic surgery and the cult of beauty in contemporary society
Published: February 28, 1995129PDF (Italiano): 0
1 - 45 of 45 items