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Found 101 items.
Safety and bioethics in the days of Covid-19
Published: April 20, 20201730PDF (Italiano): 70 -
I diritti umani alla vita e alla coscienza e la risoluzione dei conflitti dei diritti umani / The human rights to life and conscience and resolving conflicts of human rights
Published: November 23, 2016604PDF (Italiano): 13 -
La promessa del test prenatale non invasivo (NIPT) basato sul DNA / The promise of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) based on DNA
Published: October 6, 20161047PDF (Italiano): 64 -
Advance provisions for the treatment and donation of dead-heart organ / Disposizioni anticipate di trattamento e donazione di organi a cuore fermo
Published: July 30, 2018572PDF (Italiano): 90 -
Eutanasia e rinunce della medicina / Euthanasia and waivers of medicine
Published: December 30, 2014612PDF (Italiano): 197 -
Un oltraggio alla scienza e all'etica | A proposito dell'annuncio della nascita di due bambine cinesi geneticamente modificate
Published: December 11, 2018841PDF (Italiano): 40 -
Le nuove parole della medicina / The new words of medicine
Published: December 30, 2011682PDF (Italiano): 32 -
World Bioethics Day Giornata Mondiale di Bioetica su dignità umana e diritti umani / World Bioethics Day on human dignity and human rights
Published: November 23, 2016618PDF (Italiano): 78 -
Verso lo smantellamento dei Comitati Etici? / Towards the dismantling of Ethics Committees?
Published: April 30, 2015581PDF (Italiano): 50 -
Cure palliative: una medicina basata sull'etica prima ancora che sull'evidenza / Palliative care: an ethics based medicine rather than evidence based medicine
Published: February 28, 20131011PDF (Italiano): 263 -
Nanotecnologie: la riflessione etica in alcuni Paesi europei
Published: February 28, 2009585PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Il suicidio assistito dell'autonomia / The assisted suicide of autonomy
Published: August 30, 2015660PDF (Italiano): 53 -
L'esitazione vaccinale / The vaccine hesitancy
Published: October 30, 2015850PDF (Italiano): 65 -
"Li riconoscerete dai loro frutti": cosa possiamo aspettarci da una legge sul fine vita
Published: May 5, 20171028PDF (Italiano): 96 -
La valutazione della ricerca in Bioetica / Ethical evaluation in Bioethics
Published: June 30, 2014602PDF (Italiano): 33 -
L'Imperativo Bioetico / The bioethical imperative
Published: February 28, 2010841PDF (Italiano): 87 -
Processi deliberativi e formazione alla bioetica / Deliberative processes and bioethics training
Published: September 21, 2016686PDF (Italiano): 42 -
Verso una professionalizzazione del bioeticista clinico / Towards professionalization of clinical bioethicist
Published: August 1, 2016786PDF (Italiano): 89 -
Storie di medici e malati nell'arte e nella letteratura: un approccio narrativo alla Storia della Medicina nelle Facoltà mediche / Stories of doctors and patients in art and literature: a narrative approach to the History of Medicine in the Medical Faculty
Published: March 15, 20171316PDF (Italiano): 25 -
Bioetica e retorica / Bioethics and rhetoric
Published: August 30, 2014691PDF (Italiano): 31 -
Un rinnovamento nella continuità / A renewal within continuity
Published: September 21, 2016547PDF (Italiano): 42 -
Quando gli interessi commerciali riaccendono il dibattito etico sugli embrioni umani / When the commercial interests rekindle ethical debate on human embryos
Published: June 30, 2011595PDF (Italiano): 29 -
La Nuova Carta degli Operatori Sanitari / The New Charter for Healthcare Workers
Published: March 15, 2017804PDF (Italiano): 348 -
Shared Care Planning for a pregnant patient with uveal melanoma treated with interventional radiotherapy (brachytherapy)
Published: July 22, 2024112PDF: 9 -
La riflessione sul "fine vita" Aspetti giuridici ed etico-clinici dell'eutanasia
Published: December 30, 20103315PDF (Italiano): 22 -
Dialysis at the end of life: when is withdrawing ethically justified?
Published: November 3, 2022497PDF (Italiano): 25 -
Shared Document for Healthcare Ethics Planning in the Clinical Ethics Consultation
Published: November 8, 20214004PDF (Italiano): 47 -
Nanomedicina e neurotecnologie: la convergenza delle problematiche etiche
Published: April 4, 2016446PDF (Italiano): 1 -
The experience of clinical ethics consultation at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "A. Gemelli", IRCSS
Published: October 27, 2023650PDF (Italiano): 22 -
La sentenza della Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea del 18 ottobre 2011 e la nozione di embrione in senso ampio
Published: October 30, 2011885PDF (Italiano): 7 -
Facts and values in Health Technology Assessment (HTA): the objectives of ethical analysis in the evaluation processes of health technologies
Published: December 20, 2024125PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Clinical bioethics. Surgical approach to an intravenous drug addict with diagnosis of endocarditis
Published: December 31, 1990103PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Euthanasia, assisted suicide and palliative care: analysis of the document of the EAPC Ethics Task Force.
Published: June 30, 2004597PDF (Italiano): 2 -
The current scenario of clinical ethics in Italy
Published: July 22, 2024211PDF: 16 -
Forced feeding for anorexic patient?
Published: April 30, 1993172PDF (Italiano): 0 -
"Nuove" biotecnologie e questioni bioetiche emergenti
Published: December 30, 2010619PDF (Italiano): 3 -
A research center for clinical bioethics and medical humanities
Published: November 3, 20221559PDF (Italiano): 22 -
Reading as a rite for the training of future doctors: some reflections from Sir William Osler's bedside library
Published: July 26, 20212928PDF: 11 -
Medicina personalizzata e medicina centrata sulla persona
Published: October 11, 2017839PDF (Italiano): 141 -
Il dibattito in biogiuridica - La sperimentazione clinica con soggetti incapaci privi di rappresentante legale
Published: October 30, 2012539PDF (Italiano): 5 -
"Good Clinical Practice". The European Community guidelines for trials on medicinal products
Published: June 30, 1991128PDF (Italiano): 0 -
"Unsustainable drugs" and intergenerational healthcare justice
Published: December 20, 2019579PDF (Italiano): 26 -
Oltre il visibile Le nanotecnologie e la nanomedicina: definizioni e problematiche bioetiche
Published: June 30, 2008646PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Territorial Ethics Committees and ethical issues related to clinical research and care activities
Published: October 27, 20231679PDF (Italiano): 36 -
Profili storici della Convenzione di Oviedo e protocolli addizionali. Il protocollo sulla ricerca biomedica e il caso della sperimentazione di emergenza / Historical profiles of the Oviedo Convention and additional protocols. The protocol on biomedical research and the case of emergency experimentation
Published: January 25, 2018838PDF (Italiano): 17 -
A fetus at risk for congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Published: August 31, 1990119PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Pandemic emergency triage: about the risks of a trolleyology
Published: December 29, 20201387PDF (Italiano): 39 -
L'istituzionalizzazione dell'Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in Italia e in Europa
Published: July 22, 2024180PDF (Italiano): 28 -
L'etica della sperimentazione sull'uomo dal processo di Norimberga ai comitati di etica
Published: December 30, 20102048PDF (Italiano): 14 -
Clinical-ethical approach to Trisomy 18: a disease incompatible with life?
Published: July 7, 2022449PDF (Italiano): 25 -
Priority access to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 vaccination: an issue of values, not only of facts
Published: April 12, 20212371PDF: 32 -
Bedside Bioethics Consultation: the experience of the Clinical Ethics Service at the "Agostino Gemelli" University Hospital Foundation - IRCCS - Rome
Published: December 20, 2019964PDF (Italiano): 75 -
Discontinuation of medical treatment and organ removal after cardiac arrest
Published: July 21, 2023602PDF (Italiano): 29 -
The teaching of bioethics during the degree Course in Medicine The experience of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Published: August 31, 1996519PDF (Italiano): 1 -
La Convenzione di Oviedo: l'idea di una coscienza comune europea in bioetica
Published: January 25, 2018806PDF (Italiano): 76 -
Bioetica clinica - Linee-guida sull'inizio e la sospensione del trattamento emodialitico
Published: April 30, 20121007PDF (Italiano): 8 -
Primum non nocere
Published: October 23, 2024300PDF (Italiano): 14 -
Bioethics Committees on the new reproductive technologies
Published: February 28, 1993119PDF (Italiano): 0 -
"Medical Humanities nell'epoca della medicina tecnologica e informatica"
Published: October 30, 20181236PDF (Italiano): 60 -
Dalla morale medica alla bioetica clinica
Published: December 30, 2010964PDF (Italiano): 21 -
Digital therapies and digitized healthcare
Published: April 12, 20212610PDF: 29 -
Il dibattito in Bioetica - Le attività dell'Istituto di Bioetica e Medical Humanities dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore a difesa della vita nascente
Published: May 5, 20171023PDF (Italiano): 12 -
I medici e il camice bianco Note storico-culturali e implicazioni per la formazione dello studente di medicina
Published: April 30, 2014725PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Il nuovo Codice deontologico dell'infermiere: una lettura etico-deontologica
Published: August 30, 20091381PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Newborn with Ohtahara Syndrome and absence of respiratory trigger: ethical issues in the NICU
Published: April 11, 2023503PDF (Italiano): 12 -
Bioethics and scientific information
Published: February 28, 1996470PDF (Italiano): 0 -
La procreazione artificiale all'attenzione della Corte interamericana dei diritti dell'uomo. Il "Caso Gretel Artabia Urilla et Al. vs. Costa Rica"
Published: June 30, 2012581PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Brain death in pregnancy: what will be left of the life of foetus?
Published: November 3, 20201324PDF: 13 -
The concept of the mask and the doctor-patient relationship: insights from a (re)reading of Luigi Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author
Published: April 30, 2024707PDF (Italiano): 5 -
Obiezione di coscienza in sanità
Published: December 30, 2010763PDF (Italiano): 7 -
Epistemic injustice through medicine and society. Notes in times of pandemic
Published: April 14, 20221315PDF (Italiano): 16 -
Teaching bioethics in Health University Diploma Programs.
Published: December 31, 1998825PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The new Code of Ethics for Nursing Professions
Published: October 15, 20191138PDF (Italiano): 31 -
Bioethics and the "expert of Bioethics"
Published: December 21, 20212585PDF (Italiano): 38 -
Perchè i medici dovrebbero (ri)leggere i classici / Why doctors should (ri)read classics
Published: December 20, 2017652PDF (Italiano): 10 -
La genesi del nuovo nella storia della chirurgia tra desiderio di conoscenza e conflitti etici
Published: June 30, 2012574PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Meta-analysis of scientific data on GIFT: a contribution to ethical judgements
Published: February 28, 1990124PDF (Italiano): 1 -
RU486: è solo una questione medico-farmacologica?
Published: November 3, 20201899PDF: 26 -
An ethic for aesthetic medicine
Published: April 30, 19891478PDF (Italiano): 39 -
Bioethics and nursing. The role of the nurse in organ transplantations.
Published: April 30, 1994180PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Juridical, deontological and ethical issues of the prescription of the hormonal contraceptives.
Published: June 30, 2010712PDF (Italiano): 2 -
"Il meglio ci sta sempre di fronte ed è sempre possibile"
Published: June 30, 2019853PDF (Italiano): 12 -
La Storia della Medicina e la sua dimensione etico-antropologica
Published: December 30, 20101149PDF (Italiano): 13 -
1+Million Genomes
Published: December 22, 20221108PDF (Italiano): 14 -
The dream anatomy between prohibitions and prejudices
Published: November 8, 2021824PDF (Italiano): 11 -
25 anni di formazione in bioetica per le professioni di cura
Published: December 20, 20171022PDF (Italiano): 71 -
The foundation of the moral duty to treat patients with HIV infection
Published: August 31, 1991135PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Mortui vivos docent
Published: July 21, 2020555PDF (Italiano): 23 -
La lezione di Indi Gregory
Published: January 29, 2024366PDF (Italiano): 49 -
What decision should be taken for the embryo in a tubal pregnancy?
Published: April 30, 1995139PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Clinical ethics and new technologies: open issues in healthcare
Published: December 20, 2024135PDF (Italiano): 10 -
In memory of Angelo Fiori
Published: April 14, 20221335PDF: 13 -
The regulation of the Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) in Croatia and the European legislative context
Published: December 30, 2014585PDF (Italiano): 1 -
The human foetus as 'donor' of tissues and organs
Published: November 7, 202422PDF: 1 -
Editing genetico: nuova questione bioetica? / Gene editing: a new issue for Bioethics?
Published: July 3, 20171730PDF (Italiano): 29 -
Threat of preterm delivery and refusal of treatment
Published: October 10, 198943PDF: 1