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Found 142 items.
Dilemmi etici sulla "relazione a ultrasuono": tecnologia e personificazione della gravidanza / Ethical dilemmas on "ultrasound bond": technology and pregnant embodiment
Published: October 6, 2016548PDF (Italiano): 11 -
"Il Piccolo Principe" e la Medicina dell'Invisibile: relazione, organizzazione e prevenzione / "The Little Prince" and the Invisible Medicine: relationship, organization and prevention
Published: September 21, 20161023PDF (Italiano): 8 -
Eutanasia: una questione di relazione
Published: December 30, 2007923PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Testi della medicina narrativa nel Caso clinico di Anton Cechov
Published: August 30, 2007870PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Ethics of therapeutic relationship in psychiatry
Published: February 28, 2000181PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Il Parere del Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica su rifiuto e rinuncia consapevole al trattamento sanitario
Published: February 28, 20091003PDF (Italiano): 10 -
Communication virtues in patient-physician relationship
Published: December 29, 20201302PDF (Italiano): 19 -
Narrative Medicine, a communicative practice that directs care towards the person
Published: April 12, 20212090PDF: 13 -
Distress morale e cure futili: indagine conoscitiva sulla percezione degli studenti infermieri / Moral distress and futile care: survey on the perception of nursing students
Published: November 23, 20161632PDF (Italiano): 6 -
A tre anni dalla Legge 40/2004 sulla "procreazione medicalmente assistita" Un esame critico della relazione del Ministro della Salute
Published: August 30, 2007607PDF (Italiano): 4 -
(Est)etica delle infezioni correlate all'assistenza / (Est)ethics of infections related to assistance
Published: October 11, 2017890PDF (Italiano): 11 -
Quality of life in paediatric palliative care: caring relationship or relationship that takes care
Published: October 27, 2023692PDF (Italiano): 13 -
Clinical and ethical use of induced pluripotent stem cells / Uso clinico ed etico delle cellule pluripotenti indotte
Published: July 30, 2018963PDF (Italiano): 7 -
Etica e Sanità Pubblica: massimizzare la relazione
Published: August 30, 2015752PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Problemas en la relación mèdico-enfermo y ètica de las virtudes como propuesta de solución
Published: February 28, 2014500PDF (Italiano): 1 -
The nursing: ethical-deontological aspects.
Published: April 30, 2003127PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Studio pilota sui problemi etici emergenti fra i medici di base in Italia
Published: April 30, 2013693PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Informazione, consenso e comunicazione nella raccolta di cellule staminali emopoietiche da sangue periferico
Published: October 30, 2009460PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Relazione e de-somatizzazione Per un approccio relazionale al tema della generazione extracorporea
Published: April 30, 2012487PDF (Italiano): 14 -
Vera retorica vera responsabilità sociale
Published: August 30, 2014512PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Bioethics and nursing: The moral sense of taking care. Considerations of nursing ethics.
Published: June 30, 2000160PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Sulla richiesta di sospensione dei trattamenti nella prospettiva etico-clinica
Published: December 30, 2007448PDF (Italiano): 7 -
Corporeità e qualità dell'abitare tra etica ed ecologia / Corporeity and quality of living between ethics and ecology
Published: December 20, 2016960PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Respect for the person as a basis for the ethics of the physician-patient relationship
Published: April 12, 20211798PDF: 15 -
Profili storici della Convenzione di Oviedo e protocolli addizionali. Il protocollo sulla ricerca biomedica e il caso della sperimentazione di emergenza / Historical profiles of the Oviedo Convention and additional protocols. The protocol on biomedical research and the case of emergency experimentation
Published: January 25, 2018837PDF (Italiano): 17 -
The concept of the mask and the doctor-patient relationship: insights from a (re)reading of Luigi Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author
Published: April 30, 2024690PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Virtue ethics as a paradigm of the doctor-patient relationship in palliative care: reflections and considerations
Published: October 23, 2024127PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Caring for patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: ethical issues in the different phases of the disease.
Published: October 31, 2004191PDF: 1 -
VII Programma quadro europeo di ricerca: la questione etico-giuridica delle cellule staminali
Published: August 30, 2006467PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Ethical dilemmas in reproductive techniques. Psychological reasoning.
Published: June 30, 2002187PDF (Español (España)): 0 -
Humanizing medical practices. The ethical and cultural mission of palliative care
Published: January 29, 2024181PDF (Italiano): 38 -
Il Parere del Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica su rifiuto e rinuncia consapevole al trattamento sanitario
Published: February 28, 2009591PDF (Italiano): 6 -
La famiglia come soggetto del contesto culturale e della relazione col medico
Published: February 28, 2005415PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Bioetica e teatro per la vita: alla ricerca dei fondamenti epistemologici ed etici di un'Antropologia della Relazione
Published: February 28, 2011840PDF (Italiano): 2 -
The availability of the body
Published: August 31, 1994106PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Il rispetto della vita umana nelle tecniche di fecondazione artificiale
Published: October 30, 2013713PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Comunicazione, informazione e relazione tra paziente oncologico, personale sanitario e familiari. Risultati di una indagine sul campo
Published: February 28, 20101750PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Il livello di speranza nei pazienti oncologici in cura chemioterapica. Un'indagine sperimentale / The level of hope in the cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. An experimental investigation
Published: December 11, 2018669PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Willingness and disposition. Ethical reflections on the participation of healthy volunteers to biomedical research
Published: October 31, 1991158PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Derecho versus bioètica en las tomas de decisiones mèdicas en torno a casos límites
Published: June 30, 2011474PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Shared Document for Healthcare Ethics Planning in the Clinical Ethics Consultation
Published: November 8, 20213637PDF (Italiano): 44 -
Reproductive technologies: significance and questions about new ways to being parents
Published: December 31, 1993126PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Considerations about theoretical foundation of nursing ethics.
Published: December 31, 2003168PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Sui limiti (e sulle insufficienze) della medicina paradigmatica assiologicamente vincolata dall'autonomia della persona
Published: December 30, 2012530PDF (Italiano): 4 -
La buona medicina sintesi di prudenza e sollecitudine: una riflessione a partire da Paul Ricoeur
Published: February 28, 20152018PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Welfare assistance far patients with AIDS. Comments on a training group far voluntary workers
Published: June 30, 1991119PDF (Italiano): 0 -
La proposta del nuovo Codice di Deontologia Medica Per quale medico? Per quale medicina?
Published: February 28, 2014576PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Environmental Ethics. II
Published: February 28, 1997583PDF (Italiano): 3 -
Il diritto all'informazione nella Convenzione di Oviedo: implicazioni etiche e deontologiche / The right to be informed in the Oviedo Convention and its ethical implications
Published: January 25, 2018658PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Theological considerations on genetic engineering
Published: December 31, 1992111PDF: 0 -
Andrological problems in patients with spinal cord injuries.
Published:125PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The communication of the truth to the patient: duties and rights in nursing
Published: December 31, 1990130PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Incapacità di alimentazione ed idratazione autonoma: un confronto fra il neonato, il lattante e il soggetto in stato vegetativo
Published: October 30, 2010608PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Etiological diagnosis of prostatitis: current methods and ethical evaluation
Published: November 7, 202421PDF: 1 -
Euthanasia in utilitarian bioethics. A critique of J Rachel's and H Kuhse's books.
Published: April 30, 1993282PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Ruolo ed attività di un Comitato di Bioetica in un Centro di cure palliative: l'esperienza di Antea
Published: February 28, 2013644PDF (Italiano): 5 -
An ethical pathway for the use of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Nursing Care
Published: July 21, 2023503PDF: 22 -
The persuasion of vaccine allocation models during Covid-19. Rhetoric, ethics and science
Published: December 21, 20211404PDF: 10 -
II Rapporto sullo stato di attuazione della Legge 40/2004 recante "Norme in materia di procreazione medicalmente assistita" anche in confronto con le altre nazioni europee (aprile 2009)
Published: August 30, 2009482PDF (Italiano): 6 -
La consulenza etica in chirurgia
Published: August 1, 2016919PDF (Italiano): 5 -
Evangelization and the Catholic Identity of Medical Schools
Published: August 31, 199287PDF: 0 -
Technology, medicine and society: a role-playing of covenants and contrasts.
Published: June 30, 2001134PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Per una convivenza tra i popoli: pluralismo e tolleranza
Published: June 30, 2006584PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Bioetica clinica - Linee-guida sull'inizio e la sospensione del trattamento emodialitico
Published: April 30, 2012999PDF (Italiano): 8 -
Brief considerations regarding the euthanasia from the points of view of ethics and the criminal law.
Published:128PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Personhood and care in disorders of consciousness. An ontological, patient-centred perspective
Published: November 3, 20201231PDF: 9 -
Il decreto della corte di Appello di Milano sul caso Englaro e la richiesta di una legge sul c.d. testamento biologico
Published: August 30, 2008561PDF (Italiano): 6 -
Nuove categorie per la bioetica e il biodiritto?
Published: June 30, 2014576PDF (Italiano): 2 -
A fetus at risk for congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Published: August 31, 1990117PDF (Italiano): 0 -
For a critical-philosophical and epistemological revision of contemporary medicine
Published: October 31, 1998172PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Spunti di riflessione bioetica dalla letteratura
Published: December 30, 2010955PDF (Italiano): 4 -
Dying child: truth, autonomy and conflicting interests. Outlines far a debate.
Published: April 30, 1993137PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The human identity: "difference" and "origin"
Published: December 22, 2022682PDF (Italiano): 12 -
The paradigm of integral ecology and the epistemological foundations of Van Potter's global bioethics
Published: December 21, 20212115PDF (Italiano): 11 -
Adolescent development and sexual behavior III. Sexual education in school
Published: August 31, 199292PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Bioethical and biojuridical approach to the genetic counselling for Alzheimer's disease.
Published: February 28, 2001253PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Evaluation of moral distress and moral intelligence among medical residents
Published: April 30, 20241000PDF: 3 -
Juridical interferences in patient's autonomy: the uncertain frontiers of law
Published: December 31, 1995100PDF (Español (España)): 0 -
The false analogy between refusal-renunciation of treatments and physician-assisted suicide. Bioethical considerations about the Constitutional Court Ordinance No. 207/2018
Published: October 15, 2019688PDF (Italiano): 36 -
Por una bioètica sin adjetivos (III) Importancia de las relaciones entre ètica y biología para la constitución de la bioètica
Published: October 30, 2008416PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The clinical pastoral education course
Published: June 30, 1990131PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Negentropy (decreasing entropy): the Beginning of Life according to the laws of Physics.
Published: October 31, 1999183PDF (Italiano): 0 -
La bioetica riguarda tutta la filosofia, non solo la morale
Published: December 30, 2010564PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Hygiene between nature and culture in doctor training
Published: September 26, 202418PDF: 1 -
Experimental transfer of the ulnar nerve to the lower limb: forensic, medicai and ethical considerations
Published: December 31, 1994109PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Aspectos científicos y èticos de la epidemia del Virus de Inmuno Deficiencia Humana (VIH) y el Síndrome de Inmuno-Deficiencia Adquirida (SIDA) Hacia una propuesta autènticamente humana
Published: June 30, 2004159PDF (Italiano): 2 -
Medico e infermiere insieme per una medicina più umana
Published: June 30, 2013655PDF (Italiano): 4 -
How the perception of the medical profession changes in front of death request
Published: December 22, 20221042PDF (Italiano): 13 -
Survey conducted among Medical and Social Sciences students on body donation for research and teaching purposes
Published: December 21, 20212111PDF (Italiano): 11 -
La consulenza genetica in Italia: problemi, regole di consenso informato, trattamento dei dati genetici e privacy
Published: December 30, 2009657PDF (Italiano): 1 -
AIDS: ethical problems in married life
Published: August 31, 1992133PDF (Italiano): 0 -
Il principio morale dell'atto a duplice effetto e il suo uso in bioetica
Published: October 30, 20061616PDF (Italiano): 18 -
Il "Giano bifronte" della responsabilità
Published: June 30, 2012485PDF (Italiano): 0 -
The wellbeing of the elderly, utopia or reality? Psychological and spirituals aspects
Published: December 31, 1997165PDF (Italiano): 1 -
Moral distress from human to veterinary medicine: a comparative analysis
Published: October 15, 2019628PDF (Italiano): 8 -
Atto medico, spersonalizzazione e chirurgia estetica. La nascita del nuovo diritto alla bellezza
Published: October 30, 2014728PDF (Italiano): 1 -
The training of the specialized physician within the European prospective
Published: April 30, 1990129PDF (Italiano): 0