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Advance provisions for the treatment and donation of dead-heart organ / Disposizioni anticipate di trattamento e donazione di organi a cuore fermo
Published: July 30, 2018572PDF (Italiano): 90
Original Articles
Gestational surrogacy. Ethical aspects / Maternità surrogata. Questioni etiche
Published: July 30, 20183789PDF (Italiano): 22 -
What kind of world do we want for tomorrow? The Estates General of Bioethic in France / Quel monde voulons-nous pour demain? Les États gènèraux de la bioèthique en France
Published: July 30, 2018468PDF (Italiano): 3 -
The "end of life" rights as biolegal issue / I "diritti" di fine vita come problema biogiuridico
Published: July 30, 2018544PDF (Italiano): 15