Clinical bioethics. A case of arm amputation during an ovarian hyperstimulation in a FIVET schedule

Published: June 30, 2000
Abstract Views: 165
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We report the case of a 41yrs old woman, who had coagulation disorder in the picture of an ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome for FIVET, leading to the paradoxical result of an arm amputation. An ethical evaluation of such case is mandatory, since the values of desire of pregnancy, the role of medicine, health and life itself are involved.

In particular, we discuss different opinions on the concept of "therapy" when applied to reproductive technologies, in the evaluation of risk/benefit balance, and the implications on the informed consent in this field of medicine.



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How to Cite

Mancini, A., Di Donna, V. ., Milardi, D., Giacchi, E., De Marinis, L. ., & Di Pietro, M. L. (2000). Clinical bioethics. A case of arm amputation during an ovarian hyperstimulation in a FIVET schedule. Medicina E Morale, 49(3), 505–524.