The fight against drugs. Can Switzerland serve as an example? Perspectives of comparative epidemiology

Published: October 31, 2000
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The Swiss model and its drug policy is being referred to globally. The heroin trial project for heavy drug addicts has caused a stir. What does the drug policy look like in Switzerland, how many drug addicts are there? Could drug trafficking be reduced by the heroin trial? Could the heavily drug addict be helped? The authors realise, according to the official figures and on account of a comparison with Europe, Sweden and the USA, that the Swiss way is not successful. The permissive Swiss drug policy led to an escalation of drug consumption, particularly with young people. This way the clientele was made for the next decades. No indications are being found (for example convictions against drug law, amount of drug seizures), which would point to a reduction of the drug scene. The figure of drug deaths increases with the tolerance of open drug scenes and decreases with the drug scene combated by the police.



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How to Cite

Fantacci, G., & Koch, M. G. (2000). The fight against drugs. Can Switzerland serve as an example? Perspectives of comparative epidemiology. Medicina E Morale, 49(5), 909–936.