Women's routes on reproductive obstinacy.

Published: February 28, 2004
Abstract Views: 272
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The author critically examines the technique of in vitro fertilization (IVF) from the ethical point of view, bringing to light the elements of technological disproportion of the operation for the low effectiveness, the big risk for the borning, the invasivity for the maternal body and the high economic costs.

The aim of the present issue is to contest the therapeutic possibility of the IVF and to contest the commonplace that the feminine thought is pro reproductive technologies. The therapeutic disproportion is therefore analyzed according to the view of the women, in the light of various perspectives: the perspectives of the so-called "feminist bioethics" and the perspective of the bioethics in the feminine.

The article brings to light the reasons about the not acceptability of the technique from both perspectives and in particular the objectification of the woman body and the parasitism of the technology. The author concludes illustrating her own point of view on the bioethics in the feminine: the logos of the reproductive technologies, that consists in the optimization of a product, puts to serious risk the symbolic value of maternity, like original place of taking care.



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How to Cite

Mele, V. (2004). Women’s routes on reproductive obstinacy. Medicina E Morale, 53(1), 91–108. https://doi.org/10.4081/mem.2004.655