Intimacy and social media. A reflection from the thought of Michel Henry

Published: April 20, 2020
Abstract Views: 491
PDF (Italiano): 10
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New media technologies have facilitated the spread of emotional culture. Under the imperatives of sharing and disclosure, users are asked to identify and rationalize their intimacy. Emotions are said and categorized, fixed in the virtual space, externalized and objectified through visual means of representation and language, thus becoming narratives accessible to the general public of followers. Online interactions, have freed individuals from the fear of face to face and social judgment, certainly favoring greater sharing and communication. However, a large amount of literature on this topic documents that the internet use has a strong negative impact, increasing the risk of depression and loneliness. Therefore, using the reflections of Michel Henry on this topic, the aim of this paper is to analyze the modalities of manifestation of intimacy, in order to understand what has been lost in the contemporary world.



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How to Cite

Malagrinò, I. (2020). Intimacy and social media. A reflection from the thought of Michel Henry. Medicina E Morale, 69(1), 71–87.