Ethical clinical consultancy in a pediatric center. The experience of Pediatric Hospital “Bambino Gesù”

Published: December 20, 2024
Abstract Views: 141
PDF (Italiano): 5
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The importance of ethics in clinical care activities and the advice given by the clinical ethicist emerged at a conference where the Italian healthcare facilities that have implemented the model envisaged by the Trento Document (published in 2013) shared the results of ten years of clinical experiences. In this contribution, the author retraces the legal history of the Paediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù and highlights the relevance of clinical ethics in a paediatric healthcare facility, where the ethical dilemma arises in complex disease situations of underaged patients or patients unable to decide for themselves. Having set up an ethical space over the last ten years and having adopted an integrated model for the provision of clinical ethics counselling responds to the ultimate question that ethics poses to all players in the care relationship: an objective question about the good of the patient, of those acting for the patient and of medical action.



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How to Cite

Ruggiero, R. (2024). Ethical clinical consultancy in a pediatric center. The experience of Pediatric Hospital “Bambino Gesù”. Medicina E Morale, 73(4), 437–445.