Woman and her role

Published: January 20, 1989
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In the inevitable confrontation of opinions on the role of women, if aspects and perspectives for its greater valorization in the socio-cultural context of our time have been highlighted, sometimes, however, in the discussions a certain vindictive aspect has been privileged and as such a provocateur of confrontation. As a result, the real scope of the problem has not always been grasped, nor even less the natural boundaries in which it can be discussed also because, often, sex is not considered under the physiological aspect that still remains at the basis of the characteristics as well as of some specific operational capacities that best distinguish men and women.



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How to Cite

D’Onofrio, F. (1989). Woman and her role. Medicina E Morale, 39(1). https://doi.org/10.4081/mem.1989.1268