Gestation for others. Ethical arguments, psychological considerations, and legal notes

Published: January 29, 2024
Abstract Views: 428
PDF (Italiano): 49
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This contribution investigates gestation for others (GPA), also known by the name of surrogate motherhood, around which a lively public debate is underway, which does not fail to interest political institutions, as it certifies in the Italian field the bill that intends to make this practice a universal crime. The article aims to examine the ethical and psychological aspects of the GPA in the dual form of paid surrogacy, known as commercial or rented womb, and free surrogacy, called altruistic, and to advance some political-juridical observations.



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How to Cite

Frigerio, A. (2024). Gestation for others. Ethical arguments, psychological considerations, and legal notes. Medicina E Morale, 72(4), 433–442.