Sexuality and the person: ethical values

Published: February 28, 1990
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The author deals with the problem of the ethical values concerning sexuality. The values first studied are those which human sexuality in its integrity contain ("general sexuality"): the person as a subject of morality, in that he is capable of making authentically free choices; thc person as a subject capable of establishing a relationship leading to a total love, the gift of himself to the other person. The author then considers the values of the so called "genital sexuality": the transmission of life, fertility, the dignity of procreation, conjugal love. Finally, examining the social-cultural context of thc present day, the author highlights the positive aspects that are prescnt in this context and that allow one to derive useful indications for those who want to contribute to thc real development of the potentialities which the path of human history carries even when regressive and disintegrative aspects appear.



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How to Cite

Ciccone, L. (1990). Sexuality and the person: ethical values. Medicina E Morale, 39(1), 61–91.