Welfare assistance far patients with AIDS. Comments on a training group far voluntary workers

Published: June 30, 1991
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The need for adequate specific training for all welfare staff is pointed out in relation to the complex psycho-social dynamics in which HIV positive subjects or AIDS patients are involved. In particular, the case of operators working in organized voluntary associations is examined. A pilot course lasting four months and organized by the Caritas of Torino together with the Il Department of Psychiatry of the University of Torino and the Italian Adleriana Analysis Group is referred to. The course consists of two separate parts. The first aims to provide adequate information to the future operators, through a series a lessons on the various aspects of the problem of AIDS problem. The second part takes place during the work carried out after each lesson through meetings in small groups (10-12 people ). These meetings last about one hour and consist of a discussion of the various aspects of communication with the patient, under the guidance of the two leaders. It is believed that only through criticai and at least sufficiently conscious participation can the voluntary workers carry out the difficult task of being close to AIDS patients in a relationship of authentic solidarity.



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How to Cite

Fassino, S., Ferrero, A., Marchesi, P. L., & Mazzone, M. (1991). Welfare assistance far patients with AIDS. Comments on a training group far voluntary workers. Medicina E Morale, 40(2), 283–292. https://doi.org/10.4081/mem.1991.1144