Debate on the ethical foundation in bioethics

Published: October 31, 1992
Abstract Views: 244
PDF (Italiano): 3
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The article deals with the question of the ethical foundation, in bioethics and synthetises the most important steps in literature. The authors identify some ways of foundations: descriptive, subjectivistic (non-cognitivism), intersubjectivistic (neoutilitarianism, neocontractualism) and objective (personalism). Through the criticai analysis of each way (with reference to some authors of the italian and Anglo-American debate) emerges the relevance of the ontological foundation which, on the appeal to human nature, justifies moral respect and protection to all human beings.



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How to Cite

Palazzani, L., & Sgreccia, E. (1992). Debate on the ethical foundation in bioethics. Medicina E Morale, 41(5), 857–870.